Thursday, December 10, 2020

The first half of November

I realize it's a lot, but we're going to do it.  We're going to power through November 1st to the 15th.  The good news is that nothing happened the 12th through the 15th, so we can end on the 11th. 

Sunday Nov 1

Our pumpkins were already molded!!!  I mean, it was still 100+ degrees so I guess it's understandable. 

I packed up and put away all of the Halloween stuff on Halloween night.  Michael put everything out in the garage on the 1st.  This is everything Halloween except for a few things that go on another shelf. 
I saw this card in the store that day.  I thought it was funny and I thought I should have sent it to my breast reconstruction surgeon. 

Time to get ready to vote.  
Monday Nov 2

I dropped my ballot off in person

Then went to Target where it was Christmas galore.  I've never seen snowglobes available there before Black Friday. 

This is the one we ended up getting, but not that day. 

I got this too, but not that day. 

I did not get these sheets, because they don't come in king. 
I had been wearing my lymphedema sleeve a lot and it was hard to wear it, long sleeves, and a coat at the same time.......

So, I got a ($20) cape. 

Tuesday Nov 3

My favorite Thanksgiving themed wine glass
Wednesday Nov 4

Seventeen months of hair growth

I took this one to show off my Arizona earrings. 
Friday Nov 6

Spencer finally had his 13 year check-up with the pediatrician.  I took him to get a breakfast burrito on the way to school. 

At some point I was in some store where these books were together.  Awe.  It was meant to be. 

My sisterhood group has been having monthly zoom get-togethers since March.  I was responsible to November, and I decided we were going to craft.  I put together bags of all the materials for in town people, and mailed the stuff for out of town people. 

13 years- 2 months (slightly edited because he's wearing a school shirt). 
Saturday Nov 7

Michael and I drove all around delivering the crafting bags to my friends and then we had an election themed family zoom. 

Toasting Madam Vice President that night. 
Sunday Nov 8

I took these doors off of the dining room right after we moved into this house.  They have sat in the garage ever since.  I have always wanted to do something with them, but I never knew what. 

Then I saw this picture and I had an idea!

I did a bit more research and found these pictures while I came up with a plan. 

I decided to use them to enclose the patio so we could have privacy and protection (wind, sun, etc) out there. 




I put each door on casters, and then used hinges to connect them together.   
Monday Nov 9

The doors came out so well on the side of the patio that I decided I wanted something for the front of the patio too.  So, I put on my cape and headed for a reclaimed materials store. 

This is kind of what I had in mind. 
This store didn't have any cool old wood windows, unfortunately.  They did have cheap shutters though!

A work in progress
Tuesday Nov 10

And ta-da!  Done!

I love it!

Looking from the backyard to the patio with the shutters open. 

Looking to the patio with the shutters closed. 

That's in the bistro (what we call the enclosed area) looking to the other side of the patio. 
Wednesday Nov 11

We had scones and coffee out in the bistro. 
I did some crafting that afternoon (that'll be a future blog) and I burned my finger very badly.  It ended up being a 3rd degree burn. 

That wasn't so bad, right?  We powered, right?  Up next: the second half of November, then Thanksgiving, then the Thanksgiving house, and then, December!

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