Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Now that we're solidly into December and the Christmas season, let's review our Halloween. Ha!

We had decided we were not going out for trick-or-treating and instead we would have spooky meals and at home trick-or-treating. 

I set the table with different decorations from around the house.  I used different things for each meal.  This was the breakfast table. 

The only time one of us left the whole day was when Michael went to pick up donuts. 

Jack-o-lantern oranges filled with fruit.

I forgot about the drinks, so I had to take a picture of the breakfast table again!

As soon as we were done with breakfast it was time to start on lunch. 

I made witch finger cookies.  They were really delicious, actually. 

Dipped in raspberry jam. 

My friend Shireen, who normally hosts our annual Halloween party, came by in the afternoon to deliver treats in her mobile Halloween party. 

We had a very early Halloween family zoom so that everyone had time to do whatever they needed to do for Halloween in the afternoon/evening. 

Then it was lunch time.

Apple vampire mouths

Mummy pizza

Mushroom skulls on salad

The cooked mummy pizza

The lunch table

After lunch Michael and I hung caution tape all over the front yard in an attempt to keep kids from coming to our door.  We also left the lights off.  We only had one kid (who was with a parent) ring our doorbell. 

I'm sure we did something through the afternoon, but I don't remember what it was.  Then it was time for Halloween night.

I prepared the feetloaf and got it into the oven. 

We got into our costumes.  Elliott didn't want to waste any of our good ideas on a stay at home costume, so we were colors. 

We displayed the jack-o-lanterns in the living room. 

And we went trick-or-treating at every door in the house. 

Time for dinner!

We bought a pie from Costco and I turned it into a jack-o-lantern.

The feetloaf is ready!

Dinner is served

Mushroom risotto with a mushroom skull


Spaghetti stuffed jack-o-lantern peppers

Festive drinks

That is where the pictures stopped, so I guess that's where the post will stop too!  Up next: the festive Halloween house and then, November. 

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