Saturday, November 30, 2019

'Twas the week before Thanksgiving

First and foremost,  I forgot to show you the Thanksgiving towels in the master bathroom in the previous post.  This is important stuff!

So, my last "timeline" post ended on November 17th.  I somehow took zero pictures on the 18th and 19th.  What?  It's like I don't have a blog at all!  I couldn't even begin to tell you what happened on those days. 

I got home from work on Wednesday the 20th and the kids lied to me about their electronics use.  When Michael got home we took Nespressos into our room and drank them in bed while discussing punishment. 
My school was cancelled on Thursday the 21st due to rain and flooding, so Ellen and I went out to brunch and then went shopping.  We took these pictures to send to Michelle.  She used to work with us, but now works at a close by school.  They were not cancelled that day, so we wanted to show her what we were up to. 

Showing her the rain, and that we were cold.  

We were at Kohls when I saw these absolutely hideous sweaters.  Who would buy or wear these?! 

There were a million birds on our roof when I got home that day.  

I bought these matching shirts for me and Megan at Kohls.  

And this fabulous sign for Christmas. I HAD to buy it because of this story, that I told on Facebook and copied into here, because I'm too lazy to type it again. 

"A few weeks ago Elliott's teacher told me an absolutely charming story about something that happened in class. They were reading a book with a variety of animals in it. She asked the class if anybody knew what a cockatiel was and Elliott's hand shot up in the air. She asked him to explain and he said, "a cockatiel is a type of drink that only adults can have because it has alcohol in it. My mom really likes them." " 
I had an appointment with my oncologist on Friday the 22nd.  I told her I was going to have a glass on wine at lunch before it, so I sent this to her as proof before I went to the appointment.  I was at lunch with Michael, and our friend Garth.  

Waiting for her to come in.  It's always cold in there. 

We needed a new picture together.  

Michael and I went to the Nespresso store after my appointment and then sat in a Tesla at the Tesla store. 

Growing hair and getting beautiful that night. 

On Saturday the 23rd I went out to brunch with the Sisterhood. 
That afternoon I had to take a 3.5 hour class all about Article 9, which is an Arizona law for anyone that gets money through the Division of Developmental Disabilities.  I had to take it every three years. 

Finally, my certificate. 

Michael and I were supposed to meet friends that evening, but the cancelled at the last minute, so we ended up just going to the movie without them and then out to dinner.  And I took 0.0 pictures. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Thankful Home- 2019

I took a ton of pictures this year.  I won't say a lot, but you can just scroll and enjoy.

The outside.

We had rain this week and both turkeys fell over.  I re-staked them for their photo shoot. 
This turkey windsock is really old, and has held up really well.  I'm positive we had it before Spencer was born. 

Inside the front door

Looking across the entryway

The little white sign is new

Looking across the living room

I wanted to make sure you saw both sides of the runner.  Important stuff here people. 

The candle holders on the right are old, but the rest is new.  I'm really happy with it. 

It put candy in both of these containers.  Michael's been happy with it too. 

Snoopy fabric for the table!

It's taken years, but I finally found a turkey pillow that was pretty, inexpensive, and the correct size. 

Yoda had candy for Halloween, a pumpkins for Thanksgiving.  After we get through an entire year with him I'll do a collage of each holiday/month.  He'll probably just have potpourri for months that don't have holidays. 

The hanging leaves by the dining room have been a pain in the ass.  They fall constantly and get tangled with each other.  I'll have to come up with a new plan next year. 

This turkey is old, but I finally found a good spot for him.

This is just the best.  I love it so much. 

Left server

Right server

Coat closet.  I recently cleaned it out.  I should have taken a picture of the inside too. 

The bench in the hallway

The left door to the master bedroom

Hallway bathroom

The bird shelf in the hallway was almost the same as Halloween,

I just added a turkey! 

On the kitchen island


Family room

I have no idea where I put the pictures that normally hang on this board.  Ooops.

The frames are new.  They were $4 each and I just printed free art to put in them. 

And that's it.  That's our thankful home.  I was really happy with it this year.