Saturday, September 1, 2012


Elliott has always enjoyed standing.....on our laps, in the jumperoo, it didn't matter.   His newest thing is to hold our hands and pull up from a sitting position.  He is always grabbing for our hands and will pull up over and over and over. 
He is also enjoying standing at Spencer's train table and banging things around.  It was when Spencer was about this age that I had to put a thick blanket on our coffee table to keep him from destroying it.  Luckily the coffee table is now in the "adult" living room.  Last night I asked Spencer to get the camera and take a picture of Elliott playing with trains. Spencer was very huffy and said that he didn't want to take a picture because he didn't want to remember that this day had ever happened.
Apparently somebody is a little concerned about his little brother's new abilities.
  I reminded Spencer that he had said, when Elliott was born, that he couldn't wait to share all of his toys with Elliott.  Then I reminded him that I had a video on my phone of him saying that Elliott could always play with all of Spencer's toys and he would be OK with it.
I just got a glare and Spencer left the room.
He did take some good pictures before he left though.
After that discussion I was scrolling through the pictures and videos on my phone and found some gems that I wanted to share.  These go back about a month.  Consider them to be little snippets of our August.

Spencer at Target in a Darth Vader mask.
I was in the bathroom getting ready one day.  Spencer came walking in wearing his winter jacket and a hat.  He was wearing nothing else.  He claimed he was "ready to go".  Not sure where we were headed. 
At Hadley's birthday party at Peter Piper Pizza.  He loves these crazy glasses.  I worry that they are ruining his vision.
Spencer was wearing his bacon and eggs smiley face shirt (fried eggs are the eyes and bacon is the smile) and Elliott was wearing a pumpkin shirt.  I told them we needed to take a picture because both of their shirts were foodie.  Elliott looks like a candidate for gastric bypass surgery.
Spencer and I were at Hobby Lobby.  He wanted to buy this giraffe.  I said no.  I have a strict "No Stuffed Animals Are Purchased By Me" policy.  He asked if I would take a picture so he could always remember how cute it was.  Done.
This was just this past week.  Elliott took a crappy nap (like 7 minutes long) in the morning.  He seemed to be doing OK though and I was going to wait until after we picked up Spencer from school to put Elliott down for his afternoon nap.  He fell asleep nursing right after we got back from dropping Spencer off.  The lights were on, he wasn't swaddled, and there was no white noise.  I was shocked. There was no way he was going to stay asleep if I put him down, so I let him sleep on me for about 15 minutes. 
After 15 minutes I thought I would just try to put him down.  He was incredibly, deeply asleep.
I sloooooooowly stood up.  He immediately woke up and grinned at me.  If he had been able to talk he would have asked what the hell kind of trickery I thought I was pulling.  Then he would have laughed at me.
I was driving home from work and there was this awesome dust devil in the desert.  I expected Dorothy to drop out of it at any moment.
Yes, I was actually driving when I took these.  In my defense I wasn't looking at my phone. I took them blindly, which is why they aren't very good.  I also work on an Indian Reservation in the middle of nowhere and there were no other cars on the road with me.  None in front of me, none behind me and none coming towards me.  There were some horses, but they were far away and safe.
Elliott and I were playing with the Home Depot helmet yesterday.

And we played with Spencer's trains while he was at school.  He he he.

I just love how babies look when they learn to stand.  I could just pinch that little body.


Valerie said...

That waking up and smiling out of the blue freaks me out. He he I love the foodie photo though. Elliott has come such a long way!!!!!! I've never heard of a dust devil before. Crazy.

Sherry said...

Haha! I love that this is finally happening for you...Elliott getting into Spencer's toys and stuff and Spencer not liking it. This is like reading the story of our house! Welcome to the moms of multiple boys have truly been initiated now! Hehe! Also, I love those pictures of your drive home because they actually let me really see where you live. I knew you lived in Arizona, but until you actually see it, it is hard to picture. :-)

Cat said...

Aww...can you tell I'm back to full time work instead of just summer school since I am about 2 weeks behind on your blog?