Saturday, September 22, 2012

Passing the time

I work about 7 hours on Tuesday. With my commute, I'm gone for about 8 hours total.  I work 4 hours on Thursday.  Again, with the commute I'm gone for about 5 hours.  There are 168 hours in a week.  I'm at work for 13 of those, meaning that I am a stay at home mom 92% of the time.  And you know what?  It can get tedious.
I have had a much easier time staying at home with Elliott than I did with Spencer.  Spencer cried all the time for 4 months.  That sucked.  Then he was just intense and moody for a long time.  We were also living in Maricopa where there was seriously nowhere to go (without driving 30 minutes each way) and nothing to do (without driving 30 minutes each way).  A friend once told me the 2nd baby is so much easier because, while you're still taking care of a baby,  your firstborn is a good source of distraction and entertainment.  I have found this to be true.
Our morning just fly.  We have to go, go, go in order to get Spencer to school on time.  You know, at 10 past NOON.  Then Elliott and I are home by ourselves for 2.5 hours and those 2.5 hours seem to take 12.5 hours to pass.  I am very much looking forward to the day when Spencer is in kindergarten and stays at school for longer than 2.5 hours.  By then Elliott will hopefully by down to 1 nap a day and we are going to take every mommy and me class I can find.
Sometimes, there is nothing else left to do, so I just take pictures to amuse myself.   Here now, I present a series of pictures taken over a 20 minute span, give or take about 15 minutes.
 Series #1 depicts Elliott army crawling backwards.
He started out under the Leap Frog stander.
Then started scooting back.
He backed up into the dump truck and then couldn't get his foot out.
I moved it and then he swung his body around.
More scooting back.
Then he scooted right off the blanket,
And got his feet stuck under the gliding ottoman.
Series # 2 is an artistic depiction of Ginger taking a nap.  I'll try my best to narrate..
Here is Ginger sleeping. 
Then, she was still sleeping.
Next, her pulse went down to 4 beats a minute while her respiration slowed to nearly nothing.
She was clinically dead for 14 seconds.
And then she found the will to continue living, if only so she could finish her glorious nap.
Back to the kid. This time, in Series #3, we see standing and frowning,
standing and pouting,
and standing with a sideways smoulder.
Series #4 was quite exciting.  Ginger got up, walked to the other side of the couch and took another nap. 
Walking 8 inches across cushion really wears you out.

Finally, Series #5 captures a costume change,
a twinkle in Elliott's eye, 
and the back of his Piggly Wiggly shirt.
Hopefully there will be the world's most awesome 9 month photo shoot later today.   And hopefully the blog post for that will not be as awful as this one.


Sherry said...

Okay, you are too funny lady! Only you can make a very random and "boring" subject about an uneventful day and a sleeping dog entertaining. Haha! It's why I keep coming back for more. ;-)

I can't wait until you can take Elliott to more mommy and me classes and events. You'll have so much fun!

Cat said...

LOL Great narration