Sunday, September 9, 2012

What does 5 years look like?

Birth to One
13 Months to 2

2 years-1 month to 3

3 years-1 month to 4

4 years-1 month to 5

Fact: I have only forgotten to take his picture on the 6th two times.  I took them on the 7th.  If you can figure out which two pictures those are I will give you a crisp $100 bill.
Fact: I like him to wear something different each month. On two separate occassions he is wearing the same shirt.  They are not within the same years either time.  The first time he was at his grandparent's house and didn't have anything to change into.  The second time Elliott was in the hospital with sepsis (huge clue) and I was not responsible for dressing him that day. We had him turn the shirt around to make it look different.  If you can find these I will give you a not so crisp $5 bill.
Fact: It bothers Megan (Massachussets Megan) that Spencer's shirt on his first birthday doesn't have a 1 when the rest of the birthday shirts have numbers.  I should be bothered by this, because I'm all about symmetry and sameness and traditions, but I'm not.
Fact: Spencer and I agreed, in the middle of Hobby Lobby last month, that we will continue the monthy pictures until he is 18 years 11 months, at which point he will head off to college and I will lose any last shred of control.  I plan on holding him to a deal that he made with his mother when he was 4 years old.
Fact:  There are 61 pictures
3 of them are in hospitals (1 of those was when he was born)
2 of them are in different states
3 of them are at the park (3 different parks) (1 of those parks was in a different state)
1 is at the zoo
1 is at Grandma and Papa's house
2 are at Gramme and Grandpa's house
1 is at IKEA
21 are at our old house
28 are at our current house (inside, front yard or back yard)


Sherry said...

I love this! It definitely shows a real age progression. I think he made the most changes between 2 and 3...his face just went from still having its little baby cuteness to looking more like his big boy face! And as I have said before, only you can put that much thought and facts behind so many pictures! You are so funny...have you thought of hitting the road with your comedy act? Hehe!

Sherry said...

You could stop through NC on your comedy tour so we could meet! ;-)

Megan said...

For the record the first thing I noticed was that his first year he didn't have a one on his shirt. So it bothers both Megan's!

I love the picture progression! I think Spencer will hold up his end of the deal. He seems like a traditions sort of guy.

Did you notice how much Elliott looks like a litte Spencer. I love those boys so much!

Jeannette said...

I'm sure you already know this, but I love these kind of age progression reminders. You're right, 0-1 and 1-2 were the biggest.

Megan said...

The anal progression rules. And I'm glad Megan is with me on the bothersome lack of "1" shirt!

Cat said...

Did anyone win the money yet? LOL