Monday, September 17, 2018

Ultimate Willy Wonka party

Elliott and I attended the Ultimate Willy Wonka party on Friday, September 7th.  I wasn't sure how chaotic and crowded it would be at the theater, so we took some pictures before we left.  

New shirts for both. 

There was a classic poster from the original release of the movie in the lobby. 

And lots of movie paraphernalia set up inside. 

One of the Alamo Drafthouse employees was dressed up like Mr. Wonka. 

I took a few of these pictures from the Facebook page. 
Elliott and I talked to the guy on the right for a long time while we were waiting to get into the theater.  He is an ultimate fan. 

The person dressed up as the everlasting gobstopper won the costume contest.  

The bags of movie party loot. 
Each thing in there was used during a different part of the movie.  We ate the candy during the "candyman" song.  We blew bubbles during the fizzing lifting drink scene.  We set off poppers when the elevator hits the roof.

See "Wonka" talking down there?
The actors who portrayed Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee spoke before the movie and then did a Q and A after the movie.  Ever the SLP, I asked Paris (Mike Teavee) if his frontal lisp in the movie was real or if they made him do it for the "cuteness".  First of all, the first thing he said was, "You must be a speech language pathologist" because I called it a frontal lisp and not a lisp.  Second of all, it was real and he had it until he went to theater school at NYU.   

And then we got to met them after the movie!!!!!

It was a fantastic night.  I already want to go again next year. 

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