Friday, September 14, 2018

I turn, gulp, 39

Before we get to my birthday on September 5th, let's quickly review September 4th.  I went to Hobby Lobby after work and bought myself a birthday present. 

I also bought the materials to make Spencer's 11 shirt for his birthday on the 6th. 
OK, now we're ready to review my birthday.

I worked that day.  At one point I was looking in a cabinet for something and I found an entire basket of crafts.  It was left over from some long ago Christmas craft project.  As I was carrying the basket a pipe cleaner poked my hand and I thought it was a cockroach so tossed the entire thing across the room.  Then I realized my mistake.  Then I laughed heartily.  Then I took a picture for blogging purposes. 

There were presents waiting for me when I got home. 

Three Grinch pictures that I mentioned I wanted when we were at Hobby Lobby the day before.  Hmm.  Last minute shopping, Michael?

Family pictures, of course. 

Then we went out for chinese food.  I got a mai tai.  That dark brown layer was pure rum. 

Our food came with a variety show. 

I almost stole the golden pig. 

There was a lovely sunset on the way home, but I had trouble photographing it.  Too many buildings, trees, and power lines in the way. 

I selected a mini key lime tart for my birthday treat.  It was fantastic. 

That was it.  Not very spectacular.  Maybe I'll work on pepping things up a bit next year for 40. 

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