Friday, August 3, 2012

Fatty Arbuckle

We had our appointment for Elliott's weight check this morning.

This premature, suffered from sepsis, former liver diseased baby weighed in at a hefty 18 pounds, 15.5 ounces. It's the 50th Percentile.  He was 27.5 inches.  Also the 50th Percentile.  His head, because he's so full of smarts, was at the 70th Percentile.

Want to see what a broken liver will do to a body?
I never shared these pictures on the blog or facebook, because they are just too sad.  These were taken in mid-March, at the height of Elliott's liver crisis.  This was when his bilirubin peaked and his liver enzymes were soaring.  This was when they were doing all sorts of testing for metabolic diseases.

I don't mean to make light of any holocaust survivers or people suffering from anorexia, but,

hello?  Anorexic, holocaust surviver right here.

Want to see what 2 months of a working liver will do to a body?

He looks like he took too many trips to the all you can eat Chinese buffet.

Egg rolls anyone?

We'll dip 'em in sweet and sour sauce.

Only I would do a side by side comparison of these bodies.

You can see how enlarged his liver is on the left.  Now, his liver isn't enlarged (you can't even feel the edges of it according to our now-former-pediatrician), but you would never know because of the layers of fat covering it. 

We'll take the baby on the right, please. 

With some extra sweet and sour sauce.


Jeannette said...

This post makes me so, so, so happy!
And a little hungry.

Valerie said...

Wow, this is just incredible. I had no idea the extent of Elliott's illness. This really is amazing. He gets cuter and cuter every post you put up. Does he look like his daddy? I'm so bad at this game but I feel like he does.

Sherry said...

Amazing is what this is! That boy has caught up to Brody at the same age. Mommy feeds him well!

Cat said...

Woohoo! So glad he is okay.