Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Nothing makes my heart happier than to see these two loving on each other.

I've been waiting for a long time for them to be best friends.

And by "loving on each other" and "best friends" I mean Ginger has finally accepted (after 3 years) that Spencer is not leaving so she just barely tolerates him and will wag her tail at him occasionally and Spencer spends a large portion of the day yelling at Ginger and bossing her around, but seems to recognize that I like it and it makes me happy when he's nice to her.

In the interest of full disclosure, I took these pictures at the end of November.  Sickness and the holidays preventing me from posting them until now.


Chelsea said...

Cute, cute, cute!
Makes me almost want a pet. Almost.

Megan said...

Hadley and Archie have a similar "loving" relationship. She spends her day loving him and he spends his day avoiding her...