Sunday, January 16, 2011


Anthony and I were both in the Speech and Hearing Sciences program as undergraduates at the University of Arizona.  We took all of our speech and hearing classes together.  Every single class in that program was in the Speech and Hearing Building in Room 205 (Anthony remembed that- not me).  We always sat on the left side, 3 rows up, Anthony to the left of me.  I took a lot of classes with Anthony to the left of me.  Then we graduated and went on to different graduate programs.  Life took us in separate directions and we lost touch with each other.  The last time I saw Anthony was at my wedding reception 9 years ago. 

Then.  Facebook.  And a renewed friendship (and the discovery that we have very similar tastes in movies).

Anthony is now married to the beautiful and charming Elpida.  They live in Chicago, but as as luck would have it, they planned a trip to visit Anthony's parents in Tucson.  Well, I guess it wasn't luck as much as them intentionally purchasing tickets and purposefully traveling by plane to Tucson. 

We met for lunch this afternoon.  Spencer was a little smitten with Elpida.

Could they be any cuter?  And generous too.  They treated for breakfast.  Ahh, guys you shouldn't have.

It was so good to see this guy again.  In addition to sitting on the left of me in class after class, Anthony was my study buddy.  He helped me pass more than a few exams.

Lunch was a blast and now I have a strong desire to start planning a trip to Chicago.

What happened after lunch was not as fun.  The drive home.

This is what we all looked like on the way:

Told you.  Not as fun.


Maryellen said...

Hahaha. You're right. Breakfast looked like a great time and the ride home looked pretty painful. ;)

chelsea said...

Yea for a great visit!
Boo for a bad drive!

Cat said...

Chicago is fun! I only spent a weekend there, but I quite enjoyed it. Perhaps for 2013 instead of AZ or NH, we could meet in between in Chicago hee hee. Looks like you guys had a good time, well until the ride...