Saturday, April 25, 2020

Quarantine, week 5- part 2

When Spencer turned 100 months, back in January of 2016, he had been looking forward to it for several years.  100 months just sounds cool.  We found a sweatshirt with a big "S" on it, went to the park, and took his picture. 
Elliott, who was four at the time, still remembers when we did this and he has been looking forward to his 100 month turn for the last four years.  Since we're in quarantine and we can't be out going from store to store looking for a shirt with a big "E" on it, I put a sticker on one of his shirts and headed to the same park. 

We went the morning of Thursday, April 16th, but the sun was terrible, so we drove back home.

We went back with Michael and an umbrella later in the day, but there were still issues with the sun.  See the umbrella over in the corner trying to block the sun.  I am not a professional photographer. 

We ended up going to a different park to find some shade. 

100 months.  Official. 

Comparison of the brothers

Elliott said it was too bad his "E' was so small, so just for fun I gave him a digital "E". 

My friend Amanda brought us some eggs from her mom's chickens on Friday the 17th. 

They were farm fresh, so we washed them with vinegar water.  

I needed to take a picture of myself for my school's FB page, so this is what I came up with.  I got a little happy with the graphics.  
Some friends were out doing a waving drive by that afternoon, so we waited for them in the driveway. 

I thought our neighbor's blooming ocotillo was pretty, so I took this picture while we waited.  

Elliott's friend Malcolm, with his mom and his sister. 

We had a family happy hour that night.  There was no theme like we had for Easter, so Nathan suggested we all hold up something to make it a theme.  We settled on a screwdriver. 

I gave everyone (except myself) haircuts on Saturday, April 18th.  This is the second haircut of quarantine, actually.  

I used temporary conditioner- based hair color to give myself pink hair.  

And along with his haircut, Elliott got blue hair.  

Spencer got the same pink as me, but his hair is too dark so you can't see it.  

Up next: week 6 of quarantine

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