Thursday, April 16, 2020

Easter 2020

Alternate Title: Easter Under Quarantine

We started the day with the kids looking at their Easter baskets.  
Then it was time for the candy hunt.  I like how both of my kids put on 4th of July outfits for the Easter holiday. 

I forced them to get dressed up for official Easter pictures. 

We set my phone up on a ladder to use the timer for a family picture. 
I actually spent the afternoon taking down and packing up all of the easter decorations.  

We had ordered a family feast for dinner, so all we had to do was heat and serve it. 

I tried to make it look nice, at least. 

Sunday dinner was served, once again, poolside. 

And then, as a bonus, we ate dessert out there too. 

And THAT is Easter.  Fairly boring. Still lovely. 

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