Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Father's Day 2018

Megan, Scott, Hadley and Hollis spend the night with us the night before Father's Day.  We hung out with them in the morning and then they went to a family Father's Day brunch.

Spencer and I went to Basha's to get donuts.  We were a little late and nothing was left.  We were also completely ignored by the one employee behind the counter who was just chatting and socializing with another customer.  I was livid by the time she got to me.  Especially after she rolled her eyes when I said I was getting half a dozen. 

I also picked up breakfast burritos and coffees and the meal counted as breakfast and lunch for us. 

At some point in the afternoon Michael opened his presents. I think it was after he had to go and get a new battery for my car on his very special day. 

I could do the good blogger thing and crop all of these pictures.  I could, but I'm not. 

I bought these buckets (and matching socks) in the Dollar Spot at Target about a month ago.  I almost forgot about them. 

The pictures

Clothes that I ordered from Old Navy because I had a lot of Super Cash. Michael totally selected them. 

Official Father's Day picture- 2018
The 2008- 2018 collage. I can get two more years with this format before I'll need to move into a second collage. 

Ginger was taking a nice nap. 

And then I insisted she get a picture with her father.  She was happy about it, obviously. 

Something happened at this point and I somehow took no more pictures for the rest of the day.  We had Thai food for dinner, but you'll just have to take my word for it. 

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