Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Play date and other matters

Spencer and I had a play date with Karen and Tyler yesterday. I made a special point of putting the camera in my purse. I was going to get some cute pictures of the kids so I could blog about it.

I was laying in bed last night when I remembered that I never took the camera out and I never took a single picture. Then I cursed myself. Then I got up and took a Tylenol because I had such a sore neck and headache that I was sure I had meningitis. I actually debated driving to the ER. I considered waking Michael up to put him on alert about my serious illness. Then I obviously fell asleep and when I woke up this morning all was fine. That Tylenol is amazing stuff.

Anyway, I stole this from Karen's blog. This is Karen and Tyler on vacation. Our play date was not at the beach. Just picture them in a living room with a bunch of toys.

Now picture me and Spencer not on a carousel but in the living room with Karen and Tyler. There. You just experienced the play date.

I came home from work this afternoon and could hear Ginger's tail thumping on the couch. She was excited that I was home. Not excited enough to jump off the couch and come greet me, but excited enough to wag her tail at a rather fast pace. I peaked over the edge of the couch. This is what I found. I think that 42 out of 50 states and Puerto Rico have a ban on beagle/pig marriage. The little baby gym that we go to has a zip line for the kids. We've been going for almost a year and have yet to do the exact same class twice. Every so often the zip line is part of the class. Sometimes the kids ride in a dolphin swing. Spencer's favorite is the superman swing (just a swing with a cape). Here he is zip lining.


Chelsea said...

You. Are. Hilarious.

Karen said...

Man, Chelsea stole my line. I was totally cracking up about our play date. I had similar thoughts last night as well and my camera was just sitting out on the counter. And we even talked about the various grandparents and their picture taking or lack thereof.

The GVZs said...

Every time I complained of a sore neck or headache when I was a kid my mom would yell 'chin to chest! CHIN TO CHEST!' Apparently, if you can touch your chin to your chest you don't have meningitis. I still do it at least 3 times a week.

Maryellen said...

I'm very happy to hear you don't have meningitis.

I think Ginger and Piggie make a very cute couple.

A zip line for kids? That's awesome.

Laura said...

hahahahah. I too had menangitis the other night and then realized that it was the bottle of wine i drank and the crazy head-banging dancing I did at a wedding the night before. love ya!