Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I talked to my insurance company yesterday.  We discussed the information that was needed for the claim.  The claim is for my purse, my phone, my camera, $30 cash and the library book.  The insurance lady asked if I had pictures of the items, and better yet, of me with the items.  I said I could certainly look.

So.....I spent about 2 hours last night looking through years of pictures.  I vaguely remembered there being a picture of me with my purse right next to me when I took Spencer to see Peter Rabbit last year.

There was......but it's the wrong purse. 
This was right after Spencer was potty trained when I was still carrying a big purse with a change of clothes.
But look what I did find.  From our trip to VT last summer.  Taken by my mother in law.  Purse and camera in one shot.  How amazing is that?
And then this one.  My purse in my office.
And this one too.  From the zoo 3 weeks ago. 
This is what I also sent as evidence of owning my camera.  See it on the table?  Do you think they'll think poorly of me for downing a margarita?

Moving on.

Spencer got a gold medal at school today for his participation in the preschool olympics.  We used Josh's camera to get some outdoor shots. 
It also happens to be the 6th.  He's 3 years- 7 months.  Closer to his 4th birthday than his 3rd.  He's been talking about his upcoming birthday party on almost a daily basis.
Aren't our rose bushes beautiful?  I do absolutely nothing to care for them except trim them a little when they start getting too unwieldy.
I'm getting a new phone this weekend.  The minute my insurance claim pays out I'm replacing the camera.  It is killing me to not take pictures every day.


Megan said...

I have a spare camera that takes indoor pictures. I'll lend it to you!

Maryellen said...

I would never look down on someone drinking a margarita. I personally think that's awesome. It would be even more awesome if you were dancing on the table.

Cat said...

I wonder what cool person took that picture of you and your margarita...