Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Amy, Jacob, Spencer and more peaches

Amy needed to get out of the house. She was sick of looking at her own walls after 6 weeks at home with Jacob. I invited them over. They spent a lovely afternoon with us on Sunday.

Jacob took a nice nap on the couch. I was the one that got him to fall asleep. I used a trick I used to do with Spencer. I stood in the dark next to the running dryer. Spencer didn't ever fall asleep when I did that, but it did make him stop crying, if only for a few minutes.

While Jacob was sleeping and Amy was sitting on the couch next to him (and Spencer was sleeping in our bed) I worked on the remaining peaches. Check out this conjoined twin peach.I peeled, sliced and froze 7 bags of peaches (yes, I realize only 5 bags are in the picture. The remaining 2 are on another shelf)And then I made a peach crisp. After the boys woke up we took some pictures of the two of them together. I like how they both look highly concerned. Spencer is concerned about this little thing sitting next to him and Jacob is concerned that he's being forced into a big boy situation. Jacob started fussing and Spencer looked at him like he was a ticking time bomb.Jacob is very advanced. Sitting on his own at 6 weeks.


Maryellen said...

Peaches for Everybody! I'm going to call you this week to see if you wanna come over for a swim next week. Be thinking about it...:)

Karen said...

Sorry I didn't get to take any of the peaches off your hands. Been a hectic couple weeks and we are leaving again this afternoon. Will talk when I return.

chelsea said...

Boy oh boy if Spencer thinks Jacob's fussing was bad, how is he going to handle it when he has a baby who cries as much as he did!
(A LOT of "he's" in that sentence...)