Thursday, April 16, 2009


In the past 2-3 months we have bought a lot of stuff that came in big boxes- the water table, the slide, diapers, etc. Those boxes have been piling up in the garage. A few days ago I could barely get out of the car and walk in the door without tripping over an empty box. I told Michael he wasn't allowed to watch TV, watch TV on the computer (he loves or play video games until he cut the boxes apart and put them in the recycle bin.

He glared at me and said that if he wasn't allowed to watch TV or play the Wii until the boxes were done, then I wasn't allowed to blog until the boxes were done.

As retribution for his totally outrageous and slanderous claim that I am addicted to the blog, I'm posting this picture of him cuddling with Ginger.

That's the same look he gave me about my no TV or Wii proposal.


Maryellen said...


The Yager Family said...

Hysterical! Too bad you're not in Tucson... I could use some boxes in my classroom...