Friday, April 10, 2009

Flashback Friday

For my flashback this week I thought it would be nice to continue the tour of our noncontiguous states.

Today we journey to Hawaii. Michael and I went two years in a row- in November 2005 and November 2006, so I'm including some pictures of both. I have been up late every night this week writing speech/language evaluation reports and I'm very tired, so I'm sorry if my flashback is a little boring. This flashback also makes me sad because I want to live in Hawaii. Well, part time there and part time in Tuscany. No time in AZ.

In November 2005 Michael and I went to Oahu with Brendan, Monica, Eric and James. We started out with a trip to Pearl Harbor. It was Veteran's Day weekend so it was an extra special time to visit.

We went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay.

This picture came out all weird. It looks like it is sunset or dusk, but it was actually like 8 am.

We considered making this our Christmas picture that year, but thought better of it.

If you ever visit Oahu you must go to the Dole pineapple plantation. Get a pineapple Dole Whip and go on the pineapple express train ride. You will thank me later.

I could look at pineapples growing all day.

This ended up being our Christmas picture that year.

A year later, in 2006, we were all suffering from Hawaii withdrawal, so Brendan, Michael and I went back. We were there again over Veteran's Day weekend. This was more than 3 months after my jaw surgery and my face is still swollen. I had my dental implant surgery a few weeks before this, so that didn't help.

You see that thing that looks like Epcot Center on a ship? It's a special satellite that can sense movement from something as small as a minnow swimming in the ocean. I will probably have the FBI, CIA, Navy and Homeland Security at my front door tomorrow for posting this picture.
Punchbowl cemetery.
Gorgeous views of Honolulu. Hawaii smells like a beautiful combination of ocean and flowers. I can smell it now.

We hiked to the top of Diamond Head overlooking Waikiki. I came this close // to dying on that hike. It was the vertical staircases at the end that did it.
The view from the top was worth it though.

We went to a luau our last night there. This became our Christmas picture that year.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go onto (you just sang it, didn't you?) and check the cost of a ticket to Hawaii.


The Yager Family said...

Your next career should involve writing and designing travel brochures... I'm also off to (and, yep, I totally sang it!).

Maryellen said...

Ahhhh, Hawaii. How wonderful. Are you guys planning another trip out there soon?