Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My kids at 10:59 pm

This happened today.
Can it please just be December already?


Sherry said...

Awww, glad the boys were getting some good sleep for you! Are those Christmas pj's I spy? I <3 Christmas pajamas! I usually love footy ones but last year we did the Elf and Santa ones from Gymboree which were two piece. Brody was Santa (because he is tubbier), and Evan was his elf. Evan has worn those elf pajamas all year long! Ha!

Valerie said...

Wook at how sweet they are!! I'm just dying from the cuteness. It's so cute how they're sleeping similar as well. And we definitely can't forget Ginger. If there were an Olympic dog sleeping sport she would definitely win gold!

Megan said...


Michael said...

Unfortunately, Elliott would go on to wake up at 2:00 and not go back to sleep until between 4:30-5:00:(

Jeannette said...

I would like to point out that *shockingly* Ginger is NOT asleep! So, 10:59:45-10:59:57PM is apparently her awake period.

P.S. Everyone else is adorable too. :)