Tuesday, April 6, 2021


We drove to Tucson on Thursday evening.  We are definitely out of practice when it comes to packing up and leaving home.  We had to come back twice for stuff we forgot.  The first time we were 2 blocks away, but the second time we were 15 minutes away.  I took no pictures that day.

On Good Friday we dyed Easter eggs.  We used cool whip and dye to make marbled eggs.  The toothpick Elliott used to marble the color looked fancy. 

Then we went to Nick and Raquel's house for dinner.  Kevin was jazzed. 

Nick just made Captain at his job, so there was a nautical theme. 

Spencer and me, embracing our curls. 

On Saturday morning we took Kevin for a long walk and then he snoozed while we had drinks and breakfast outside. 

Then my mom and the kids made their annual bunny cake.  And by "my mom and the kids" I, of course, mean.......I decorated it. 

Bunny cake collages

The kids are no longer believers in Santa, the toothfairy or the Easter Bunny.  We told them we couldn't hide tiny chocolates all over the house because of Kevin.  Easter this year was EASY.

We just dumped everything small in their baskets. 

Kevin was maybe ready to go home that night. 

Easter and the festive Easter house coming up soon!

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