Saturday, March 27, 2021

A festive St. Patrick's Day home- 2021

Whenever I do these home tours I try to load the pictures in the order that makes sense as if you were coming over and walking through the house.  

Obviously we start outside at the front.  I was afraid all of the green would look terrible with the red door, but I was wrong!  Plus there was enough rainbow that it really worked. 

The entry way

Living room  

I decided to do an entire rainbow theme on the coffee table, so the non-seasonal red pillows worked with it. 

It's so stupid, but I have such a good time picking fabric to cover the big weights.  Fabric is so cheap, but the patterns are so fun and it really makes a decorative impact. 

Dining room

This is also the finally complete bar.  Just with holiday decor. 

This was my backdrop for the month. 


Coat closet

Hallway bathroom

Michael's office/the guest room

Our bedroom doors

Our bathroom

Hallway to kitchen

Pantry door


The hot chocolate bar

Family room

Laundry room door

St. Patrick's day came down on the 18th and Easter went up on the 18th and 19th.  

Stay tuned!

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