Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Hello February

Monday, February 1st I went back to Hallmark.  I don't know how it happened, but I seem to be a Hallmark shopper now.  I don't remember what I bought actually, but while I was waiting at the cash register I took these pictures.  I want every single one of these items.  Every. One. 

I asked Michael to go look for something on Tuesday the 2nd.  He couldn't find whatever I sent him to get, but while he was looking he found all of my chemo caps that had been missing for almost a year. 

I knew I hadn't accidentally given them away.  I just knew it!  

They were all together in this box, in the guest room, behind the container of batteries.

I was driving Elliott to school on Wednesday the 3rd.  We thought the sky looked cool. 

Hair progress pictures on Thursday the 4th. 

A year to year comparison. 

February 4th is also World Cancer Day.  I took this picture for the occasion. 

I got a text from my friend Shireen on Friday the 5th.  She sent these pictures and asked if I liked these pigs. 

I sent these pictures back and said I liked them so much I had bought one in May, 2007. 

She was asking because she was giving them to me!  But that didn't happen until the next week.

We watched WandaVision that night.  This is my new favorite picture.  I made Michael rewind so I could take it. 


Spencer's 13 year 5 month picture on Saturday the 6th. 

Our football/Super Bowl themed family zoom that day. 

And finally, after taking most of it down for weather repairs and stabilization, we put the bistro back up that day. 

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