Monday, February 1, 2021

From citrus to penguins

I haven't been blogging because of laziness or because I'm too busy.  I haven't been blogging because NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.  Seriously, you're going to read this post and think, "why even bother?"

On Sunday, January 17th we went to my friend Brenda's house and picked citrus. She has lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and pomelos. 

I took all the pictures!

My parents went home on Monday the 18th.  I think I had mentioned that my mom and I went to Hallmark on Saturday, so after they left Michael and I went there so I could buy something while it was still on sale.  I took this picture to send to my mom.  She had thought about buying this for a friend. 
Monday the 18th was a holiday.  Nothing happened.

I went and got my first vaccine shot on Tuesday the 19th.  It was crowded, but very well organized.

Number one, done!
This is what I bought at Hallmark!!  A Snoopy nativity!  I didn't unpack it and take this picture until Thursday the 21st.
Michael and I were sitting on the couch in the living room on Friday the 22nd.  I asked Spencer to take a picture of the pantry so I could figure out something for dinner.  This is the only picture that was taken that day. 

I had two zooms on Saturday the 22nd.  First, the sisterhood.  We celebrated the new year and then did a trivia game.  I won!

The second was the family zoom.  It was black and white/penguin themed. 

This is why!

See, I told you it was pretty bland.  

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