Wednesday, September 2, 2020

All messed up

 Sorry for the big gap in blogging.  Somehow my photo storage got all messed up and when I try to transfer pictures from my phone to the desktop it says that all of the files already exist, even though they don't.  I've been having to open and save under a bunch of new folders, and it got obnoxious to the point that I just stopped transferring photos for a while.  I hope to have a fresh start now that it's September. 

We're going back to August 16th.  It was the one year anniversary of when I finished active treatment, so it was my one year survivorversary.

Checking out the lighting for a picture. 

One year survivor

This is what I looked like the day I finished radiation last year.  I didn't realize at the time how horrible I looked. 

One year comparison

And the one year comparison on my chest.  My arm pit radiation had finished a week earlier, so that spot in my arm pit is already a week healed.  It actually looked way worse, if you can believe that. 

A year later I still have skin that is darker. It's visible, just hard to photograph. 

There was a dust storm that day.  It was so long ago I remember no details about it. 

Elliott's 8 year 8 month photo.  I haven't cropped it yet because, lazy. 
We got a big rainstorm on Monday the 17th.  I actually caught a lightning bolt, but it was above me so it turned the sky purple, but you can't see it. 

Poor broken tree the day after the storm on Tuesday the 18th.

I was at Target buying new shirts for the kids.  I used to be able to buy them whatever I wanted, but now they have opinions. 

There is nothing to report from Wednesday the 19th.  I got the stitches out of my face, but no pictures.'

The roofers showed up at 6 am on Thursday the 20th to finally replace our roof. 

We've needed to have this done for almost a year. 

I got my hair cut and colored on Friday the 21st.  The lady who does my hair is a cancer survivor, works alone in her own shop and she wears a mask, so I felt like it was safe. 

We had a plaid themed zoom on Saturday the 22nd.  Nick is still out at sea and had no plaid, so I gave him fake plaid curtains.

OK!  I am hopeful that with the start of the new month my photo issues will be better and I can be back on track.  If not, we'll blame 2020. 

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