Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jar Snow Globes

Step 1- Assemble your supplies

Go to Target (super glue), Michael's (glitter and animals), Hobby Lobby (jars and glycerin) and CVS (distilled water- not pictured) to buy supplies.  Mutter to yourself that just buying an actual snow globe would be cheaper and easier.

Step 2- Glue animals into lids

Do it during nap time so your 3-year-old doesn't get a chance to help in anticipation of/to avoid a terrible super glue related accident (glueing lips or fingers or both together).  Pretend you don't know how the animals got in the lids. 

Step 3- Pour water

Step 4- Add glycerin

Step 5- Add glitter

Step 6- Have daddy put super glue on lids

Step 7- Put lids back on jars

Step 8- Let sit upside down for several hours

Step 9- Flip jars over.  Realize jars could have been filled more and that African animals look strange in glittery water. 

Step 10- Have son completely ignore craft project after it is done and show no appreciation whatsoever for the effort.
(Note: As of 3/3/14 comments have been closed due to excessive spam.)


k and j said...

you are one fun, cool momma!!

Krista said...

I appreciate it!

Chelsea said...

Wait, are we supposed to do projects for the kids? I thought it was for the blogs, and the kids were just cute props? No? Shoot.

You're a super cool mom and blogger!

Cat said...

Cool looking project!