I hosted a baby shower for Megan in Tucson over the weekend. I know she already had Hadley, but the plan was always to have the shower after the baby was born. It was a brunch shower at my mom and dad's house on Sunday morning. I had my camera out and was going to take pictures, but I got too busy with the food and making sure everything was running smoothly. When Megan posts the pictures on facebook I'll copy them and show you some.
Last night was the first time since May that it wasn't too hot to take Spencer to the park. We still had to wait until after the sun set, so the plastic wouldn't melt his skin. I forgot to bring the camera. The park at our old house was 3 houses away. The park at our new house is 10 houses away. I think we'll be spending a lot of time there for the next 6-7 months, until it's once again too hot to leave the house for anywhere but the frozen food aisle. There will be plenty more chances for photos. I've seriously been thinking about moving out of state. Somewhere not so hot. Where should we go? Doesn't Montana just sound nice? Of course we'd have to contend with not playing outside because of ice and snow for 5 months out of the year. But you can always add more clothes, right? Once you're naked, you're naked. You can't take anything else off to cool down. I hate hot.
I can share these pictures so this post isn't so visually boring. Last week Michael was washing dishes and I was folding laundry and putting it up. Spencer was doing a fabulous job playing by himself. This is a relatively new phenomenon. Up until recently we have always had to be right there or Spencer just wouldn't play. He'd whine and follow us around. He was playing with his train set. I'd poke my head in and check on him as I walked around putting stuff in various closets and cabinets. Then I walked out to the kitchen. Then Michael and I noticed that it was quiet. Too quiet. Too quiet means that Spencer is being naughty and doesn't want to get caught. Smart boy.
We found him in the closet smearing my Bath and Body Works Pearberry lotion all over his legs, stomach and the carpet. At least it was a nice smelling mess. I did not gag and throw up as I cleaned him up this time, unlike the prior Poop Incident of '09 mess.
Yea for Fall Break! Enjoy it!
Spencer is awesome. Also, I couldn't be more jealous of your 17 days off. That's delightful.
Move to New England! 4 seasons, 4 varieties of weather patterns! -Megan
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