Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A little of this and a little of that

I called home while at work this morning.  I asked Spencer what he had been doing.  He said he ate breakfast and then watched some Thomas.

I called home after lunch.  Michael said that Spencer couldn't talk because he was watching some Thomas.

I came home from work.  Spencer was too busy watching Thomas to come give me a hug.

I asked Michael and Spencer if Spencer had done anything but watch Thomas all day long.

Michael protested my accusations and said that they had also taken some pictures.

These pictures:

Two pictures of Ginger sleeping.  This "effort" was supposed to bribe me into "looking the other way" to an all day Thomas marathon.

Once I was home the TV was turned off.

At 7:45 I took exactly one week later pictures of Spencer's face.
We put some vaseline on the dermabond tonight.  It's getting really, really flaky and I would rather it dissolve from the oil than rip off on the sheets or something.

So guess what?  Less than 12 hours.

You had better believe there will be an update, a new background and a new header tomorrow.


Chelsea said...

Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!

#1 Dad said...

It was not an all-day marathon. It was a half-marathon.

k and j said...

i can't waiiiittttt!!

Mary, Phoenix said...

Do you want some hand me downs of Thomas the Train? I have a set (maybe 2) that I refused to get rid of until I "ahem" find all the pieces and I FELT were too good for Goodwill because Chase barely played with the set. I can bring it to Michael if you are interested.