Monday, May 3, 2021

Kevin's surgery and April ends

Elliott wanted his new cross hung right by his bed.  We did that on Sunday the 25th. 

Kevin on Monday the 26th.   The last day before his surgery. 

Kevin got neutered on Tuesday the 27th.  He had one descended and one undescended testicle, so he had two incisions and two areas of stitches.  They sent him home in a plastic cone and of course he hated it.  We put on this inflatable donut and he hated it just as much. 

He was extra cuddly that evening. 

We took Elliott's new telescope outside to see the full moon.  It was awesome, but hard to photograph. 
Kevin on Wednesday the 28th.  He was still pretty out of it.  I put his bed on a chair right next to my computer so he could be close while I worked. 

We put him in a 12-month onesie to keep him from licking his stitches. 

He was much, much better on Thursday the 29th.  I still put him in his clothes to prevent licking.  He was pissed. 

He was just so dang cute, looking like a sleeping baby.  I took a million pictures. 

I went to work to do an evaluation on Friday the 30th.  Then I got my hair cut and colored. 

I felt like it was darker than usual, but a few days later it seems to be lighter, or I'm just used to it. 

Kevin on Friday evening, forgetting he had surgery three days before. 

And, we're in May!

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