Wednesday, July 31, 2013

School pictures and a bunch of dinosaurs

Do you remember when I wrote the post about being really stressed out about getting Elliott's 18 month pictures?  I was stressing because of The Wall in the hallway where we have started the collection of photos of the kids that will span from 6 months until 12 grade.
Well.  I'm stressed out about The Wall again. 
Here's the deal.  We have had photos taken at Sears, Target or JC Penney every year around, but after, Spencer's birthday.  We always pick a 5 x 7 from that photo shoot for The Wall.  I don't want to keep that up for forever though.  It's just too much to keep dragging both of them to the photo studio every year in separate months. 
So I decided that starting in kindergarten we'd switch to school pictures for The Wall.  It's what my parents did with our pictures on their photo wall.  I made that choice years ago, though, thinking that that day was years into the future.
But it's not anymore.  Spencer is having school pictures next Wednesday.  It's an incredibly stupid thing to be stressed out about, I know.  And stressed is not the correct feeling.  It's more anxious, I guess.  Which is also pretty silly.
This is The Wall.  The master bedroom is on the left and Elliott's room is on the right.  We already figured out how to make all of the pictures fit through 12th grade.
6 Months
1 Year 
18 Months
2 Years
3 Years 
4 Years 
5 Years 
The next grouping will be Kindergarten.  Since pictures are taken in August both of the kids will still be 5 in their kindergarten pictures.  Maybe that's what I'm stressed about, because my OCD just won't allow me to be OK with 2 pictures where they are the same age.
I'll have to learn to live with it I guess.
We went to the mall today to look for a new shirt for the all important kindergarten school picture.  Because god forbid he wears something he already owns but has worn 1 time.  I actually had some good choices from the new school clothes we bought, but the picture order form said not to wear green for best results and everything had green in one way or another.
We had a little ice cream at the food court first.
First we went to The Children's Place.  No photo appropriate shirts, but Spencer convinced me to buy these shirts for $2 each.
Next we went to Gymboree.  I found a nice yellow shirt with stripes on the chest, but one of the stripes was green so I panicked and put it back.  Does anybody know why green is a school photo no-no?
You want to know what we did find at Gymboree though?
Am ENTIRE line of dinosaur clothing. 
I bought this shirt for Elliott right after Christmas last year.  It was why I decided to do a dinosaur party for his 2nd birthday.
(I got this image from ebay which is why it is terrible.  I'm just too lazy to go get the actual shirt in his room)
Look at all of these choices for Spencer to wear a coordinating dino shirt.
I like this one the best.  It's a must have.
Elliott has to have this one too, even if it's not to wear to the party.



Can anybody answer this question for me: Are pteranodons different from pterodactyls?  I never even heard of a pteranodon until a few years ago and now I never see anything with pterodactyls in it.  Did pterodactyls get renamed?  Are pteranodons just the cool kids now? 
 So, in addition to my annual Fall craving post, it is apparent that I also do an annual "entire clothing line I want to buy from Gymboree" post.  Last year was the Bark Academy line with all of its adorable beagle stuff.
Gymboree should start paying me for the advertising.  And they should pay me in the form of dinosaur clothing.


Megan said...

My guess is that the background is green or greenish and they want the kids to "stand out" against it. Just my guess.

Natalie said...

I thought that too. But you get to pick your background colors from 6 available colors- green, purple, blue, brown and dark grey (and 1 more that I don't remember). If you wanted to wear green you could just pick a different background.

I'm wondering if green clothing disappears on these backgrounds because they are digital. Like how the weatherman can't wear green when he stands in front of the digital map.

Sherry said...

I was going to say the same as Megan until I read your response. Who knows? So what did you finally decide on for the all important first school picture? I love your photo wall and need you to come help me get one started at my house. I have pictures on the wall but not really in the order I want them, and I have more that I need to get up. *sigh* I don't really have a good hallway for it though so I need to do something going up the stairs, but it is hard to figure out the layout there. Yes, I totally remember your previous Gymboree funny. You are definitely consistent and OCD, but that's probably one of the biggest reasons I like you. And I love all the dino shirts...may have to hit that store up soon too! :-)

k and j said...

I can't keep up!! You amaze me!! I love the bacon shirts lol! I updated my pics on my blog because I found the missing pic ;) thought you'd be proud! Ha.

Cat said...

Too bad you didn't ask your dinosaur ? a few months ago because I had a student who knew EVERYTHING (or so it seemed) about dinosaurs. If I see him, I'll ask him. And I like the wall idea. If I ever have a kid, perhaps I will steal your idea.