Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Dark Ages

We have no tv service and no internet.  We can't find the Kindle. Or the nail clippers. We are living in the dark ages. That's what it feels like at least. I am writing this on my phone, so it will be brief.

We moved into the new house and started living here on Sunday. Currently both houses are disasters. The Direct TV guy is here now. Yay for TV! We won't have internet until next week,  because we forgot until yesterday to call to get it set up.

I finally cleared off the kitchen island. I found it at 1:30 am this morning. I also got all the food out of boxes and into the pantry. Maybe tonight I will actually cook dinner instead of buying prepared food from Fresh and Easy. Maybe not.

No pictures (boo! hiss!) this time. I haven't taken any on my phone. I've got some good ones of Ginger sleeping on a box to share once we have internet. Hopefully by then I will also have some completed rooms.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Congrats again on the move!!!! I cannot wait to see what y'all have done with that already beautiful house.