Saturday, December 17, 2011

Elliott Stephen

I got an app on my phone that lets me download pictures from my phone directly into my blog.  I can't seem to figure out how to make the pictures go in order though.  The OCD in me is going crazy but I really wanted to share some pictures.

Elliott Stephen was born on December 16, 2011 at 35 weeks 2 days gestation.  He was a whopping 6 pounds 13 ounces.  I'm very impressed as he is 4.5 weeks early.  He was 19 inches.  The official time was 4:35 pm.  I did it without an epidural which is not something I would personally recommend or ever do again, but more on that later.  His apgar scores were a 9 at 1 minute and a 9 at 5 minutes.  He never needed oxygen, did not have to go to the NICU and was released from the "care" of the regular nursery within 18 hours (they had been checking on us in our room every 3 hours since birth).  He latched really well and nursed really well until midnight when he became Sleepy Sleeperson, the mayor of Sleepy Town, and didn't want to wake up for anything. 

We are due to be officially released on Sunday morning. I am debating going to Hobby Lobby before going home to buy Elliott a "My 1st Christmas" ornament, but that might be a little too crazy.

Once we are home tomorrow I hope to be blogging more.  I laugh as I say that because I now have 2 children and 0 time available.

Elliott was about 2 hours old.

About 1 hour old

This morning (Saturday) at about 10 am

Right after birth

Another shot at about an hour old


aileen said...

Congratulations!!! Glad to know everything went as smooth as can be under the circumstances. Love his name too. Elliot was on my list of names when we had our 2nd son.

btw... I'm a friend of the GVZs

The GVZs said...

That's an awesome weight for a 35 weeker. Rest up and enjoy your holiday AT HOME.

Jeannette said...

I'm glad the app (sorta) worked for you! I can't get my pics where I want them either when I use it. I think it's just a glitch in the app. I usually go in later and fix it once I'm at a real computer.
Congratulations again! Elliott is just perfect! :)

Maryellen said...

Elliott looks absolutely perfect!! Congratulations!!!!

Jennifer said...

YAY!! Welcome Elliott! So glad to hear all is well and you can enjoy your holidays at home as a happy healthy family of 4!!

Cat said...

So I realize, this is all "old" news since I've been in touch with you on FB over the past few months, but after reading all those pre-labor posts, dang girl, you did well. (You also make me fear the whole pre-labor and labor process, but I digress...). Congrats!