I put that date in big, bold, red print so no one would mistake this for current news.
Michael was pretty pleased with his masculinity.

1 year later, January 27, 2008, that embryo had grown into a pretty good looking baby.
I put that date in big, bold, red print so no one would mistake this for current news.
Michael was pretty pleased with his masculinity.
Voila. A place where he can color and paint all day. (And some days he does.)
Come on. He's obviously an artistic genius. Right up there with Monet. We had a bunch of extra 5 x 7 frames. I think finger painting looks elegant in a silver frame.
And scribbles take on a whole new dimension in a gold, gilded frame.
Should I start taking orders now? Spencer really cranks out the art and we're running out of space to display it. Don't tell him, but some of his materpieces have been put in the recycle.
This is Spencer's current favorite shirt. He asks to wear it every day. It was only appropriate that I buy a $1 face mask from Michael's Arts and Crafts dollar section to match.
He wanted us to leave him in the garage when we got home. We did not agree to this demand. Knowing my son he'd figure out how to start the car and drive to the store for some cake, which he begged for all weekend. Spencer has had cake like 4 times his entire life. Where did he get the idea that it's something we eat every day?
As Elmo was coming around the corner.Whenever Spencer gets really excited he covers his mouth with his hand. This is when Elmo was right in front of him.
Elmo did the Elmo Hokey Pokey for the kids.Yeah for Elmo!
There were quite a few kids who freaked out ala Santa's lap style when their parents put them on Elmo. Not my boy. He marched right up.
And let Elmo pick him up.
I was making dinner last week and gave Spencer a little knife (butter- not chef) and let him chop up some zucchini stubs. The kid has mad knife skills.
In only took 5 months to get around to it. It was the last box we needed to unpack. Everything else was unpacked by the middle of September.
I like them because they remind me of the lights hanging in the Blue Bayou restaurant at Disneyland. Have you ever eaten there? It's my favorite. 'Cause, you know, I've been there twice.
$12.99 for the grey and $11.99 for the white (size 10.5)
Total= $24.98
Spencer's new shoes (Size Toddler 7)
$14.99 for the brown and $12.99 for the blue
Total= $27.98
Glad to see that Spencer has the special distinction of both the smallest and the most expensive shoes in the house.
He was (obviously) pretty happy with his high chair. It worked well until he was 18 months. Then we moved him to a booster seat. He loved his booster.
Until one week after he turned two. Then he refused to sit in it. So I made this "it's not a booster booster". I used wood, cotton batting and fabric. It took a decent amount of time. Spencer sat on it once and then declared it over. It's been in the garage ever since. Anyone want to borrow it?
Since September Spencer has been kneeling on his chair (that's what he was doing in those spaghetti pictures) or using our laps as his booster. We were at Goodwill last weekend looking for some cheap coloring books when I saw this chair for $12. Hmmm. This could work.
I painted it glossy white.
And added a $1.99 pillow (also from Goodwill).
So far, no rejection.
( In defense of my earlier post about Spencer sleeping independently- this was at like 8:30 am and he had been in his own bed until about 8:10 am. And really, why wouldn't you want to cuddle with daddy on Saturday morning when Daddy has to get up in the 5 am hour during the week)
5:22- the phone rings. I hobble inside to get it. It's Michael explaining that on the way to work he got hit with a rock and the windshield cracked (OK, that was prior to 5 pm but I didn't know about it) and now on the way home he got a flat. He put on the spare and the spare went flat.
It's nice to think that in 5 years or 5 months or even 5 days we might check the blog archives and read about yesterday and laugh. But I doubt it. It was truly a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.