Monday, May 11, 2009

Ginger's total psychological break down

These are my parents with Spencer at Christmas time.
They look pretty nice, don't they? Like normal, everyday, tax paying, law-abiding people. You'd never suspect they might be capable of great terror, would you?

As you know if you read my Mother's Day post, we spent the weekend in Tucson. I woke up on Sunday morning and found that Michael and Spencer were still asleep and my parents were out walking the dogs. I decided I'd take a shower while the house was empty and quiet.

So, I'm in the shower when I notice that the curtain is moving. I'm thinking, oh no- Spencer is awake and he's trying to get in here. Wrong- it's Ginger. Ginger who hates the bathtub. Ginger who has to be tricked into taking a bath. Ginger who doesn't even get close while we're bathing Spencer incase we decide to throw her in too.

She is obviously upset and is shaking and anxious. I pet her and tell her to get down and then go about my shower business. Thirty seconds later she actually jumped in with me. Into the shower! The shower that was on! I couldn't believe it.

I kicked her out of the tub and then did the best I could to calm her down without even knowing why she was so agitated. She was on edge the whole rest of the morning and up until we left to come home. She even chewed a bunch of holes in my parents kitchen mat. She's never chewed a hole in anything the entire time we've owned her.

The only conclusion that can be made from her erratic and unexplained behavior is that my parents subjected her to torture and aggresive interrogation that violates the Geneva Convention. They deny any wrongdoing, but what else could it be?

I fear that at some point during the walk Ginger was exposed to Chinese water torture, solitary confinement, electrical shock and public humiliation. I plan on getting at least 1 or 2 detectives from 1 or 2 versions of Law and Order to question my parents. That Detective Goren seems pretty reliable. I'll have him isolate my parents and see who turns on whom first.

In the meantime, Ginger is back to her normal lazy self. Her total psychological breakdown seems to be short lived. Good thing, because I don't think we could afford post-traumatic stress therapy for a beagle.

1 comment:

Maryellen said...

Poor Ginger! That was REALLY erratic beagle behavior. Curious...