Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday night thoughts

Remember when we took Elliott to a farm last weekend and there were a million kids around him and it was dusty and there were animals and then he licked a pumpkin?  Yeah.  He's sick now. 
He woke up yesterday with a runny nose.  The day went downhill from there.  We had a really crappy night last night.  Not just run of the mill crappy.  Reeeeaaaaalllly crappy.  He seems to sleep better when he is a little elevated so I rigged this system for his nap.  He slept for an hour, woke up, I rocked him back to sleep and then I somehow fell asleep with him on the bed for 45 minutes.  It was dark when we woke up.  I was disoriented.  Spencer was rejoicing in the extra cartoons he got to watch because I never came back out of the room.
We went to the new house this evening to have it rekeyed.  Dang!  Rekeying is expensive.  We had 11 locks and the mailbox done.  We can never move again because we can't afford the new keys.
We took Ginger with us.  She checked out every square inch of the house and yard.  She approved.

My dad is up here in the Phoenix area for the night.  He was doing some fund raising stuff this evening and he has some meetings to attend tomorrow.  I convinced him to let us have his truck in exchange for Michael's car until he drives back to Tucson.  And by "convinced" I told him he had no choice.  We had to have his truck.  We're trying to get everything from the garage over to the new house by Sunday.
Michael has taken about 4 trips tonight.  The garage is getting empty.

We have a get together with my elementary school/ jr high/high school friends tomorrow.  I'm responsible for dessert.  I bought the ingredients today then promptly forgot about it.  I remembered I actually needed to make the thing at 10:00.  It's like a 3 hour process.  I will be going to bed around 1:30 am.
This is what I'm making.  Brown Sugar Pumpkin Cheesecake with Chocolate Shortbread Crust.
I was also going to make chocolate chip cookies for the kids, but those will have to wait until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Hope you're not completely exhausted and I hope Elliott feels better. Also, I finally made pumpkin whoopie pies. At the rate I'm going, there should be a blog about them in two months. :-)