Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tid Bits

The granola bars we made are delicious.  We found milk and white chocolate striped chocolate chips in the bulk bins at Sprouts.  I think the stripyness of the chips enhances the deliciousness of the entire bar.  The recipe for these came from the blog of a woman who has 7 sons, homeschools all of them and is pregnant with her 8th baby.  Reading about her makes me want to cry and then slap someone.  I told Michael this week that I felt like I was ruining all of our lives. I only have 2 sons and I'm barely managing to keep us afloat.
Spencer has started lying and being openly defiant.  He's not a very good liar at all.  Example- he was rubbing Elliott's face with a plastic hanger.  I told him to stop it.  He told me he wasn't doing it.  Riiiiiiiight.  He is very good at being defiant.  We had a 20 minute argument about him wiping up some milk he spilled.  He gave me 57 excuses why it was not his fault and he shouldn't have to do it.  I know that this is all stemming from 1) having a new baby in the house and 2) having very stressed out parents of the baby (because he's a baby and because he's had so many medical issues) All of this has led to some rough days and quite a few meltdowns.  As a way to try to deal with the meltdown part we made a calm down jar.  You shake it and calm down while you watch the glitter fall to the bottom.

Wouldn't you know it......there have been no meltdowns this week.  Lying and defiance, yes, but melting down, no.
I may not be the birthing 8 kids and then homeschooling the bunch of them type, but I did help Spencer to make homemade Valentines for his class.
I think they were pretty cute.  I like that he didn't give candy too.
Spencer put these on the other day, proclaimed "I'm a real cowboy now" and ran around the kitchen yelling "giddyup little horsie" over and over.

I love these kids.

Spencer had his class picture taken last week.  This was his practice pose in his picture outfit.
When he got home from school after class pictures he put on his pajamas because he wanted to be comfy (he gets that from me), then added his halloween costume and a dolphin nose.
Then he ran around in circles for about 30 minutes.

We made slime using water, glue, food coloring and borax today.
Spencer got himself a little blue food coloring Hitler mustache. 
Now we have a bowl full of blue slime and we're not sure what to do with it. 
My parents spent the night on Saturday night. 
They brought Spencer some Mardi Gras stuff.  He's all ready for Fat Tuesday.  You'll have to ask him why he insists on adding the pig hat. 
And finally,

The look on Spencer's face when he came to the dinner table and saw this was PRICELESS.  Too bad I didn't think to have the camera ready.
He ate it leg by leg.  It was awesome. 
That's all.  Random tid bit post is done.


The GVZs said...

I love all of the projects. The glitter jar is genius.

Megan said...

You are SUPER mom...number of projects I have done with my 2 year old and no baby. Zero.

Cat said...

Hang in there! You are doing a great job! And you still found time to be crafty despite everything, I am impressed. You rock Natalie. BTW, I'm not a hot dog fan, but that is amazing.