Sunday, May 24, 2009

Date Night

Michael's parents are in town for the holiday weekend. That means free baby-sitting for us, so we had a date night last night. Date nights are few and far between and we had been looking forward to this for a while.

One of our New Year's resolutions was to go to the movies once a month for the whole year. Pre-Spencer we went to the movies 2-3 times a month. For his entire first year of life we went 0 times. We miss movies! We haven't been doing very good with our resolution though. We saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in January and that has been it.

Last night we went to see Terminator Salvation. It is very good. I highly recommend it. There are some gaping holes in the logic of the plot and some far fetched ideas in the story, but if you can ignore that the action is stellar. At one point, in a particularly tense action sequence, I leaned over to Michael and said "This is so good I can't even breathe".

Christian Bale is significantly less lispy in this movie than in the Batman movies. He still needs some voice therapy for what I suspect are vocal fold nodules.

Ooh. Scary!

After the movie we had dinner at Pei Wei. All in all, a great night.


The Yager Family said...

That sounds wonderful!! Nothing like having a baby to make you really appreciate date nights, huh? I'm glad you got one! You deserve it!

Maryellen said...

Ha! Only a speech pathologist would notice Christian Bale needs speech therapy. Or maybe I wear rose colored glasses when I watch him. I think he's very yummy.