Sunday, May 10, 2020

Bye April

And hello May!

Thursday, April 30th was the last day of April.  Duh!

I worked most of the day doing zoom therapy sessions.  When I finished at 3:00 I put the first coat of paint on the front door. I have wanted to do this since we moved into this house 7.5 years ago!

Then I did an online breast cancer support group. 

I'm not quite sure what I did on Friday, May 1st, other than putting the second coat of paint on the door.   Michael and I also replaced the handle and the dead bolt. 

I am so pleased with the final result. 

I put the flowers on for a picture, but then took them off so everything could dry properly. 

We had an issue with the inside of the door when we drilled through it for the new handle.  I have since fixed it with a wood repair kit, but this was the "before".  Ugh. 

We had a "May Day" family zoom happy hour that night.  I told everyone to wear floral patterns or have flowers or plants around them.  My uncle understood that to be a dragon. 
I took zero pictures on Saturday the 2nd, and could not actually tell you one thing I did all day. 

It was the one year anniversary of my 6th chemo though, so of course I did a comparison. 


2020- I did a direct comparison!

Side by side

We decided to actually leave the house that evening.  It was our first family outing since quarantine started.

This was in the driveway. 

We got the car washed. 

And then went through the drive-thru at Dairy Queen. 

We ate in the parking lot. 

The door at night!

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