Thursday, March 6, 2014


this is post number 999.  I have been stalling on writing posts this week because I just do not know what to do for the big number 1,000.  It seems so monumental.  And significant.  Like I should have Oprah on here giving away cars and introducing JUUUUUULLLLLLLIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAA ROBERTS!!!!!
Anyway.  Instead of tackling the issue of the 1,000th post I would like to present you with a little summary of our little week.
On Sunday we packed up to come home from Tucson.  This is everything we took with us for a less than 48 hour trip, except people and the dog.
A few weeks ago I did a major clean-out of my closet.  Ever since then the clothes have just been sitting, piled up on the couch.
On Tuesday Michael discovered that Ginger has a new napping spot. 
He also caught her mid-lick and we discovered that Ginger has the largest tongue known to mankind.
On Wednesday we woke up and discovered Ginger in the same spot.  She seems to be a frequent visitor to the pile of clothes.

Anybody see anything you like?  I'll set it aside for you.  I'll even get Oprah to pretend like you won it.

On Wednesday afternoon Elliott and I went to Spencer's school to have lunch with him.  Apparently, and this is news to me, it's OK for me to bring Elliott as long as we sit at the patio tables outside.  Had I known this at the beginning of the year, we would have been going all year.
Spencer's friend Sydney joined us, as did her mom and brother.
Flashback time. 
When Spencer was two and a half I bought him this great one piece outfit from Gymboree.  He only wore it twice because he was just recently potty trained and he hated the snaps in it.  They took away from his freedom of just dropping his shorts to go potty.  I understand his opposition, but, look how cute..... 
This was Father's Day, 2010.  The first time he wore the outfit.
He was 2 years 9 months old.
And this was the second time he wore the outfit.  It was a month later.  We were at the Ben and Jerry's Factory in Vermont.  Uncle Raymond was not really trying to eat him.
Mmmm.  Free sample.
 Flashback over.
I put Elliott in the same outfit on Wednesday. 
He was just as adorable as his big brother.
That tail, my god, that tail.  It's the reason I bought the outfit in the first place.
He actually requested that we do a photo shoot.
"Ejiott sit.  Mommy camera.  Mommy picture Ejiott."
I am so proud of him!  

That night Elliott took a shower.  It was very close to bedtime but we weren't quite ready to put him in a diaper, so we put him in a pair of his new undies.
He was pretty proud.

Spencer and Elliott were chasing each other around the house in their undies.  Then they would climb on Elliott's bed and pretend to sleep.
I could literally eat both of them.  Nom nom nom!
And then I got this gem.  This will be blown up and framed, immediately.
Oh, so here is some big news.  Michael is doing a Whole 30 with me.  We're doing it for 33 days.  We both also started the T25 workout plan the day we started the Whole 30.  It is killing us.  The working out part.  Well, the eating is killing Michael too, but it's just normal to me at this point.
We were both sore and Michael was starving today.  We were talking about both coming home from work and going to Texas Roadhouse for big steaks and baked sweet potatoes.
But then I decided that I could make an even better meal for way less money.  So I took the kids to Fresh and Easy and loaded up.
The kids had ravioli and apple slices.
Michael and I had steaks with sauteed mushrooms, baked sweet potatoes and green beans with bacon and mushrooms.
After dinner it was time to take Spencer's 6 year 6 month picture.  It's his golden half birthday....6 years, 6 months on the 6th!
We wanted to do a repeat of his 3 year 6 month picture, as seen here. 
And here he is 3 years later.

EEEEK.  OK.  No more stalling.  It's 1,000th post time!


Jeannette said...

Post #999 was pretty awesome (humor, flashbacks, cuteness, and food pics - everything a good blog should include!), so I'm sorry to say you've set the bar pretty high for #1,000. For the record, the longer you wait to post it, the higher the anticipation will be. ;)

Maryellen said...

I don't want to eat your children but I definitely want to squish their cute little faces. Lauren and I were talking about how you and Michael make really, really cute and sweet kiddos.

Sherry said...

I'm going back to my numbering of the comments for this one:

1. Holy mountain of clothes! Do you have any left? Admit it, you are a bit of a clothes hoarder! Hehe!

2. Holy long tongue...gross, Ginger! ;-)

3. I have wanted to eat lunch with Evan all year. Eddie has done it a time or two. I definitely plan to next week for his birthday though!

4. Yes, I remember those last cute outfits with the was a sad day when Evan couldn't wear them anymore. Sniff Sniff. Brody actually hasn't worn any snap one piece outfits in a long time, but I don't know why.

5. And yes, you have brainwashed another one for your obsessive picture taking. Hehe! That little face in the second picture on the step is too cute!

6. Yay, Ejiot, for wearing big boy underwear! ;-)

7. Okay, I need some tips and pointers on doing Whole 30/Paleo dieting. I really think I want to try it to see if it helps me feel better. I have been researching since I found out about my diagnosis and have read that going gluten free can be a big help for people with Hashimoto's hypothyroid. :-) The most difficult part for us is that we eat out a lot because of my crazy work schedule and getting home so late in the evenings and not wanting to spend 2 hours in the kitchen cooking and not eating dinner until 8:00. Sigh. Can you eat sweet potatoes if you are gluten free? If so, that is a good thing. I need a substitute for the starchy veggies.

8. You are definitely ahead of me on the 1000th post and have been a very faithful blogger! Can't wait to read the 1000th post now! :-)