Friday, November 4, 2016


The week before any big holiday is always rough, isn't it?  The anticipation.  The excitement.  The preparation.  It's all a bit much. 

A whole week before Halloween on Sunday (so, the 23rd) Elliott and I went on a date with each other.  It was mostly to get him out of the house while Spencer had a friend over to play, but we did get some stuff done too.

We went to Charming Charlie's for a treat for me and to Frost Gelato for a treat for him. 
On Monday the 24th Spencer's stuffed animal (Nabbit) that he ordered from Amazon FINALLY arrived in the mail.  By the time we got it I had limited Spencer to asking if his stuffed animal was being delivered soon to just once a day.  I nearly lost my mind with his incessant questions. 

It was delivered while he was at school so I set it up just inside the front door so he would see it as soon as he walked home from the bus. 

There was just a bit of canine interference.

He was a happy boy.

I worked on Tuesday.  I was proud of the first door for red ribbon week I have ever done. 
We went to the pumpkin patch in ridiculous almost 100 degree temperatures on Wednesday.   We took pictures and let the kids buy very small pumpkins because the big ones are way too expensive.  We bought the big ones at the grocery store.  It took us a long time to figure out this system.  Like, we just figured it out this year. 

I worked on Thursday as well.  This was the temperature when I left for the day.  Good God. 
On Friday I ran a bunch of errands after Elliott went to school.  I stopped at Ross to buy affordable gourmet treats for Ginger and ended up buying some red shoes.  I love red shoes.  I can't not buy them 
Elliott is having a superhero party for his 5th birthday.  I was very tempted to buy this 50% off picture to use at his party, but it was still $40 and I just couldn't justify it.  I might see how clear it is if I cropped this picture and printed it as an 8 x 10.  Is that dishonest?
Friday night we went to a family dance at Spencer's school.  You can have a sneak peak at the kids' costumes.  Michael and I were also dressed up and it was nothing but too damn hot. 

The kids had a blast.  I have had more enjoyable dental appointments. But, the kids had a blast so we'll probably be doing it for the next seven years until Elliott goes to junior high. 

1 comment:

Cat said...

Nice job on the door. You know I love warm weather, but 104 seems a bit much even for me in November. Good grief!