Sunday, November 13, 2016


The week after Halloween is always a letdown, isn't it?  There's so much build-up and then it's just done.  I guess the same can be said for any holiday or fun event though.

So, Spencer has a mild frontal lisp.  I tried doing actual speech therapy with him a few summers ago and it was a total disaster.  There is a reason you shouldn't treat your own kids.  Then we intentionally forgot about it while he had his palate expander and when they first put on his braces.  I decided though, the time is now.  It needs remediation.  He knows how to get his tongue in the correct position, he just needs practice and repetition to keep it there.  The day after Halloween, Tuesday the 1st, I stuck him in my room with a bunch of lists of /s words and a mirror and let him have at it.  We're going to try this approach and see how it goes before I just hire one of my friends to treat him. 

In other news, Ginger was adorable that night.  She flipped the ear all on her own. 

On Wednesday the 2nd I bought a turkey table runner for the dining room table. 
We had a big rain storm on Thursday the 3rd.  It was 40 degrees colder when I left work compared to one week earlier. 
I stopped in a parking lot to order some food for dinner on my way home from work and within about 2 minutes the windshield was all fogged up.  We rarely ever have to deal with fog in Arizona. 
That night I went to a meeting for Spencer's religious education classes at church.  I wore an actual hoodie.  A hoodie!  Can you believe it?!  And I felt comfortable. 
On Friday the 4th we had to turn in Elliott's turkey feather for his class turkey.  It made me realize that it was our fourth and final turkey feather since both kids were in the same preschool class for two years each.  So I did some digging (digitally and in their saved art bins) to do a turkey feather comparison.

Spencer- 2011
Spencer 2012 
(I had never taken a picture of it on the turkey at school so thank goodness we saved the feather in his art bin.  I probably didn't get a picture because I had 11 month old Elliott with me every day and we were in the process of moving.)

Elliott- 2015

Elliott- 2016

The 2016 P.M. Classes Turkey 

Elliott really likes glitter.

I bought another turkey runner on Thursday the 3rd, but didn't take a picture of it until Saturday the 5th. 
I spent a few hours with Lauren and Maryellen in Mesa where Lauren now lives.  Maryellen actually lives in Mesa now too.  While I was gone the boys assembled the cookie White House I was given as a birthday gift. 
It was my job to decorate it when I got home.

First I had to divide all of the sugar beads.  DAMN YOU Trader Joe's for not selling these in separate bags. 

OMG it was tedious. 
Parts of the cookies were broken and the icing bag had several holes in it, so the whole project was rather difficult, but it was decent when it was finished. 

1 comment:

Cat said...

Impressive decorating