Monday, September 2, 2013

Pinterest told me to

It's been a while since I talked about any of my pinterest projects on the ol' blog.  That doesn't mean that I haven't been pinning, pinning, pinnning, I just haven't remembered to talk about any of it.
Pinterest told me that candles nestled in coffee beans smells totally yummy.
So, I did it.
And put it by the coffee maker.  It DOES smell heavenly.
Pinterest told me that putting curtains next to the front door is an awesome idea.

I agreed.  I just don't have two windows.  I did already have the curtain though, so it was an easy project. 
Pinterest told me that there is an easier way to hang curtain rods.  I passed the information on to Michael.  He hung 3 curtain rods, lickety split.
I'll show you pictures of the curtains soon.  They are in our bedroom.  I'm working on a post of all the projects we did over the weekend.  It'll be up soon.
Pinterest is telling me that my kid will have a terrible birthday unless they wake up to a balloon avalanche.  I believe pinterest and will be doing this for Spencer on Friday.
Pinterest is also telling me that an old wooden crate full of logs, pine branches and lights is a gorgeous focal point for the fire place. 
I think pinterest knows what it is talking about.  I just need to figure out where to get these logs.


k and j said...

I was reading your blog and this post popped up as I was reading! Score. I love all of your Pinterest pins!

Sherry said...

You and Pinterest were totally made for each other. Most people pin all day long and never do anything they pin. I may have been guilty of this so I kind of gave up pinterest for a while. Haha! Love all your finds!

Cat said...

Pinterest is both amazing and dangerous. :) It's amazing how much good stuff is on there, but dangerous how much time one (i.e. me) can spend on it...In other news, I need to take a day and just catch up on your blog and a small pile of newspapers.