Friday, December 23, 2016

The eve of Christmas Eve Eve

I am bound and determined to blog about everything that happens before Christmas, before Christmas.  And then I can go into my usual dark days of January funk where it's all too overwhelming and I get weeks behind.

On Thursday the 22nd, otherwise known as the Eve of Christmas Eve Eve Elliott and I went to an awards ceremony at Spencer's school because he made the honor roll.  Letter grades start in third grade at his school so this was the first semester that he could have made the honor roll.

The principal spoke,
and then the third graders took the stage.  I'm still totally paranoid about putting Spencer's school name out on the internet, so I did a lot of editing of school t-shirts for this post. 
We're so proud of him.  He would have gotten recognized for perfect attendance too except he was late one day in December because he had a doctor appointment.  I don't think that's fair and I don't agree with it, but I'm not in charge of the rules. 
I did a Facebook post about Spencer making the honor roll and also mentioned that every year he likes to buy a gift for Santa and Winston.  This is what he picked this year. 

He got a medal after the assembly and showed me when he got home. 
Soon after Spencer came home from school we went and picked Michael up from the dealership where he was getting the oil changed on his car and went over to Monica and Rick's.  Hadley was sleeping when we got there, 

But then we all got to take a turn holding her. 

Then we went out to dinner, 

And we ended the Eve of Christmas Eve Eve by going to see Sing. 
We have been waiting since July for this movie to start.  And it was worth the wait.  A little slow in a few parts, but the end was adorable and the whole thing was really feel good and spirited. 

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