Monday, May 9, 2016

Boring before Boston

It is currently Wednesday afternoon.  May 4th.  I need to leave for the airport for my flight in six hours.  Michael is at work, Spencer is at school, Elliott and Ginger are napping.  Elliott in his bed and Ginger at my feet under the desk.  I'm doing the last load of laundry that needs to be done before I can start packing.  There's a sink full of dishes I'm ignoring.  I've worked out twice.  My toenails are painted.  My fingernails are not.  I'm paralyzed with inactivity because I'm overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done before I leave.   So, I thought I'd get one more blog post ready to post while I'm gone.  Just a little summary of the couple of days of normal life before I start blogging about the trip.

Spencer's school had spirit week last week.  Monday was Color-Me-Monday.  Basically, wear your favorite color head to toe.

Elliott was bummed he couldn't do spirit week, but he did have an awesome shirt that day.

Elliott also wanted to take my picture.  He did recognize that it was blurry. 
I worked on Monday.  I took this picture for Megan on my way home.  They are building a new water reclamation facility and she could have worked on it had she taken a particular job.  They just put up the fencing and brought in the crane for it. 

Tuesday was Tropical Day.

It was also teacher appreciation week so we put together little donut bags for a whole bunch of teachers- daycare, preschool and specials. 

Wednesday was Emoji Day.  Emoji day?  I made a stuffed emoji necklace for Spencer to wear.

I also volunteered in his classroom doing the very last Art Masterpiece lesson. 

It'll be interesting to see how many of these kids return for 3rd grade and how many are in Spencer's class.
And with this written, I really do need to get on that manicure and get packing.  And, blah, I guess I will do the dishes too.  It's the least I can do for Michael before I leave him for five days. 

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