Thursday, May 25, 2017

Crawling to the finish line

The kid's last day of school is tomorrow.  I feel like all of last week and all of this week has been all of us just crawling, or more accurately, dragging ourselves to the summer break finish line.  I finished work yesterday and now have a nice week and a half off before I start Extended School Year work.  It will help getting us through the last two days that I don't have to be at work at all.

So, last Monday (the 15th) Ginger was adorable.  But, what's new?

That night I made some homemade bath bombs for Spencer.  He has really wanted to try one, but we're too nervous to let him use a purchased one because his skin is just too sensitive. I looked up an eczema friendly recipe that didn't use citric acid. 

It smelled like sugar cookies. 

They worked and they fizzed, but nothing like a store bought bomb. 
Spencer was pretty disappointed.  I might just spring for a "safer" one at Lush.  They're like $6 each, but maybe I could break it into four pieces for four baths.  
Moving on to Tuesday the 16th.  

Spencer stacked up these blueberries on his fork at dinner.  He thought it was awesome and took this picture. 
I worked that day.  I posted this on facebook in one of my speech therapy groups. This is a true story.  Once I posted it it became a full time job keeping up with the notifications for the likes and comments.  Because really, it's just crazy. 
And now we come to confession time.  Tuesday the 16th marked the day that Elliott was 5 years 5 months old.  I remembered his monthly picture at 11:00 pm.  Three hours AFTER he went to bed.  It is the first time in his life that I missed his picture on the 16th.  I took these at 6:30 am on the 17th.  It was 6.5 hours late, but it still feels like a huge fail.  It also means that I forgot BOTH my kids monthly pictures in May.  First time ever for Elliott.  First time in about five years for Spencer.  Obviously I need a vacation. 

Wednesday the 17th was "dress as your favorite book or movie character" for spirit week.

Spencer went as Harry Potter.  He told me about the day at bedtime the day before.  This was the best we could do. 

Especially considering Elliott and I had to be at his school at 7:30 am for the volunteer appreciation breakfast.  It's totally karma that I complained about the 7:45 am start time for Spencer's school, so this one ended up being earlier. 

After the volunteer breakfast we came home and did a bunch of stuff that I don't remember.  Then we went to see Mr. Chad and Erin and had lunch there.  Elliott got french toast.  I had this salad and it was the best salad of my entire life.  I could just eat bowl after bowl after bowl of this. 
After I dropped Elliott off at school I went to Spencer's school and did the last art masterpiece lesson of the year. 

We did Monet inspired tree reflections with water colors. 

This is where I found Ginger when I got home. 
I worked on Thursday.  The social worker took me all around the Gila River reservation to try to find a parent for a signature.  We never found her.  I never got the signature.  
We had bratwurst for dinner that night.  Nick bought this mustard for Michael in Germany and gave it to him for Christmas. I thought it would be good to put on top of them.  Then I tasted a little and it tasted awfully sweet, so I took a picture of the jar and sent it to Brendan who is fluent in German. 

Yeah.  It's basically caramel in the form of mustard.  It's ALL sugar. 
I worked on Friday and can't recall a single detail from the entire day.  So enjoy these pictures of Ginger taken that night. 

Saturday was an extremely fun and busy day.  I had coffee in Mesa with my sisterhood group.  Maryellen and I went shopping.  We went out to dinner in Queen Creek with a group of 15 people.  We spent hours at Brendan and Travis's new house and had an entire dessert buffet.  And here's what I have to show you from all of that:


Not a single picture was taken.  What kind of horrible blogger am I?  Epic fail. 

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